Thursday, September 26, 2013

Blackberry Q10 problem with BIS and Exchange

I have not posted in a while but this situation merits a post immediately.

A friend of mine has upgraded from an older Blackberry to the Blackberry Q10.

Previously, when his IT dept. would reboot the Exchange server, they would log in to:

His IT dept. would then have to re-sync his account and all would be well.

When he upgraded to the Q10, he received an error about Blackberry Enterprise Server validation.

He cannot register his PIN or IMEI with the above site as blackberry 10 is not supported.

AT&T support and their RIMM dept. were unable to sort out the issue. They kept insisting that his company has a local BES server and that he should speak with his IT dept. The problem is that the above link is an AT&T offering, a Blackberry internet service.

To resolve this issue, simply log in to the above webpage (if AT&T, if not see this site) and remove the account. THATS IT. That is all that has to be done. BIS and BES is not supported on the Q10 and all associations to your email account must be severed.

It's stupid, I know.

End Rant.