Monday, November 21, 2011

Remove Windows Partition and Re-Allocate it to Ubuntu (Or any Linux Partition for that Matter)

The objective here is to remove a Windows partition from a dual boot and add it to your Linux partition. You are doing this because you no longer need Windows and would like the space for your Linux partition.

First make a live USB or live CD with GParted on it.

GParted is a Gnome Partition Editor. Make the live USB with Unetbootin or another tool of your choice. Unebootin can be installed via the Ubuntu Software Center.

After you have created your live USB, boot your device from the USB.

Select the default option from the GParted boot menu, then enter through the default options for keyboard layout etc.

Now, GParted will start, showing you the partitions on your disk.

Select the Windows partition which will likely be NTFS and delete it.
Next delete the extended partition that contains your linux swap.

At this point, you should have only have your linux partitions.

Now, click the "resize/move" button and drag the arrows on either side of the file system so that it is taking up the free space. You want to leave room for your swap which should be as much as twice the RAM on your machine.

So, lastly, you need to re-create the swap partition by selecting the leftover space and right clicking to format it to a linux swap partition.

You then hit apply, and this will take several hours. It is essentially moving all of your data to a different sector on the disc.

Boot as you would normally.

To remove the Windows 7 grub item:

sudo grub-update

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Password Recovery on Cisco Switches

This is performed on a Cisco 3550

To recover from a forgotten password or a corrupt image do the following:

  1. Restart the switch and hold down the "mode" button to enter recovery mode
  2. Issue the flash_init command
  3. Issue the dir flash: command to see the contents of the filesystem
  4. Now issue this command: rename flash:config.text flash:config.old (If there is already a config.old, choose a different filename such as config.older
  5. Issue the boot command
  6. If the old config are not needed, issue delete flash:config.old , if they are however enter EXEC mode by enter the enable command, and then issue the rename flash:config.old flash:config.text command and then copy flash:config.text system:running-config
  7. Enter configuration mode with config t
  8. Then enable secret <password desired>
  9. Then enable password <password desired>
  10. And so on for any other passwords you would like to change
These steps should work for any 2900 series switch or 3500 series multi-layer switch.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Metasploit NetBios

Useful NetBios Modules for Metasploit.

$ msfconsole

   msf > use auxiliary/scanner/netbios/nbname
   msf auxiliary(nbname) > set RHOSTS []
   msf auxiliary(nbname) > run


   msf > use auxiliary/scanner/netbios/nbname_probe
   msf auxiliary(nbname_probe) > set RHOSTS [TARGET HOST RANGE]
   msf auxiliary(nbname_probe) > run

I had mixed results with both of these. Neither was 100% effective. I need to find host names to update unknown DNS entries for a static DNS system (don't ask).

Also NetBios is not a popular protocol anymore but is worth an attempt if you need a host name.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Android AVD Emulator Black Screen Solve

This issue has been happening to a lot of people as well as myself so I thought I ought to post the solve since it was hard to find.

Checking the *whipe user data* box will stop the black screens.

This only applies if it would work for you fine on the first try then go black after that.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Metasploit tut. part1

To install Metasploit:

  1. Install the necessary Ruby dependencies. Most new distros will already have the latest that you will need.
    • sudo apt-get install ruby libruby rdoc
    • sudo apt-get install rubygems

       2. Go to Metasploit's webpage and download

    This post is based on the linux install.

    To start the program type msfconsole into a terminal.

    Your prompt should look like:

                    _                  _       _ _
                   | |                | |     (_) |
     _ __ ___   ___| |_ __ _ ___ _ __ | | ___  _| |_
    | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ __/ _` / __| '_ \| |/ _ \| | __|
    | | | | | |  __/ || (_| \__ \ |_) | | (_) | | |_
    |_| |_| |_|\___|\__\__,_|___/ .__/|_|\___/|_|\__|
                                | |

           =[ metasploit v3.6.0-release [core:3.6 api:1.0]
    + -- --=[ 648 exploits - 340 auxiliary
    + -- --=[ 216 payloads - 27 encoders - 8 nops
           =[ svn r11889 updated 43 days ago (2011.03.07)

    Warning: This copy of the Metasploit Framework was last updated 43 days ago.
             We recommend that you update the framework at least every other day.
             For information on updating your copy of Metasploit, please see:

    msf >

    To start learning any program in linux, you find out what commands you have at your disposal.

    If you type help you will see a list of commands and databases available.

    Use show -h to see the exploits, payloads, and other info.

    exploits will be packages gained at specific systems where payloads are are the code or binary which is going to be sent to the target system.

    Thursday, April 14, 2011

    IOS Recovery for Cisco 2960 switch using ROMMON (Recovery Mode)

    The task at hand was to update the IOS's of new 2960 switches using a pre-built text file for the commands.
     The loaded text file accidentally blew away the IOS from flash memory.

    To fix this you need :
    -Cisco IOS for switch
    -console cable
    -Hyper Terminal (for sending files via Xmodem)

    At the rommon prompt for the switch type:
    set BAUD 115200 to change the baud rate of the switch for a faster transfer through the serial console.

    Reset your hyper terminal session and set it's baud rate to 115200.

    At the rommon prompt ( switch: ) for the switch now type:

    switch:  flash_init
    switch:  copy xmodem: flash: file-name

    The switch will respond with:
    Begin the Xmodem or Xmodem-1K transfer now...

    Then go to Hyper Terminal's menu bar, selected Transfer, then Send File.
    Select the file to send and select Xmodem as the protocol.

    This process takes around 45 minutes.